Accessing Generalized Parton Distributions through 2 -> 3 exclusive processes
CMS seminar (InterUniversity Institute for High Energies, Bruxelles, Belgique, 12 février 2025)

(Un)Expected breakdown of collinear factorisation at leading twist in exclusive π0 γ photoproduction due to Glauber pinch
Diffraction and Low x 2024 (Trabia, Palerme, Italie, 10 septembre 2024)

Accessing Generalized Parton Distributions through 2 -> 3 exclusive processes
XXXI International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects DIS 2024 (Grenoble, 9 avril 2024)

The QCD shockwave approach at NLO: towards precision physics in gluonic saturation
Workshop "REVESTRUCTURE" (Zagreb, Croatie, 11 juillet 2023)

The QCD shockwave approach at NLO: towards precision physics in gluonic saturation
Workshop "Diffraction and Low-x 2022" (Corigliano Calabro, Italie, 25 septembre 2022)

General Introduction
Workshop "Prospects on various aspects of the dilepton probe in hadronic physics" (IJCLab, 25 novembre 2021)

Accès aux distributions généralisées de partons via de nouvelles observables
Café Théorie (IJCLab, 19 juin 2020)

Panorama Théorique
Exercice de prospective nationale - Séminaire Thématique du GT03 - Physique hadronique (Nantes, 2 mars 2020)

Getting access to generalized parton distributions in exclusive photoproduction of a large invariant mass γ-meson pair
Light-Cone 2019 (Palaiseau, 17 septembre 2019)

Exclusive diffractive processes including saturation effects at next-to-leading order
Light-Cone 2019 (Palaiseau, 16 septembre 2019)

Jets in the BFKL approach and beyond
Towards accuracy at small x (Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics, Edimbourg, 12 septembre 2019)

Photon-meson pair photoproduction: a new way to probe Generalized Parton Distributions
Assemblée générale du GDR QCD (Palaiseau, 27 novembre 2018)

Photoproduction of a photon-meson pair as a probe for Generalized Parton Distributions
Workshop "Getting to Grips with QCD - Summer Edition 2018" (Primošten, 20 septembre 2018)

Probing Generalized Parton Distributions through the photoproduction of a photon-meson pair
Conférence "Diffraction - Low-x 2018" (Reggio Calabria, 29 août 2018)

High-energy QCD resummation effects at the LHC
Rencontre de Physique des Particules" (Paris, Campus Jussieu, 11 avril 2018)

Accessing Generalized Parton Distributions through the photoproduction of a photon-meson pair
Workshop "Getting to Grips with QCD" (Paris, Cordeliers, 4 avril 2018)

Inclusive production of a forward J/Ψ and a backward jet at the LHC
Workshop du GDR QCD "Partons and Nuclei" (Orsay, IPNO, 1er juin 2017)

Exclusive photoproduction of a γ ρ pair with a large invariant mass
International workshop "Nucleon and Resonance Structure with Hard Exclusive Processes" (Orsay, IPNO, 29 mai 2017)

Exclusive photoproduction of a γ ρ pair with a large invariant mass
Diffraction 2016 (Acireale, Italie, 6 septembre 2016)

Kaléidoscope de l'interaction forte
Colloque de Recherche Inter Ecoles Centrales et CentraleSupélec
CRIEC 2016 (Centrale Paris, Chatenay-Malabry, 15 juin 2016)

High-Energy Resummation Effects in the Production of Mueller-Navelet Dijets at the LHC
Heavy-Ions Meeting (IPhT, 23 mars 2016)

Mueller-Navelet Jets at the LHC: Evidence for High-energy Resummation Effects
Kick-off of the "RBI-T-WINNING" project, Ruđer Bošković Institute (Zagreb, Croatie, 4 février 2016)

Mueller-Navelet Jets at the LHC: Evidence for High-energy Resummation Effects
VI International Conference on the "Physics Opportunities at an ElecTron-Ion Collider" POETIC VI (Palaiseau, France, 7 septembre 2015)

Mueller-Navelet Jets at the LHC: Evidence for High-energy Resummation Effects
BLOIS EDS 2015 (Borgo, France, 30 juin 2015)

High-energy resummation effects in Mueller-Navelet jets production at the LHC
International workshop "Resummation, Evolution, Factorization" REF 2014 (Anvers, 9 décembre 2014)

A classification of chiral-odd pion generalized parton distributions beyond leading twist
XXII International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects DIS 2014 (Varsovie, 30 avril 2014)

Double logarithm resummation for DVCS
International Workshop on "Deep Virtual Compton Scattering: form observables to GPDs" (Bochum, 12 février 2014)

QCD, physique hadronique et physique des saveurs au LPT
Journée des entrants du LPT (Orsay, 18 octobre 2013)

Three-dimensional structure of hadrons through hard exclusive processes
Séminaire du SPhN (Saclay, 11 octobre 2013)

Can one use Mueller Navelet jets at LHC as a lean test of QCD resummation effects at high energy?
Low-x 2013 (Eilat, 3 juin 2013)

Theory introduction
PHOTON 13 (LPNHE, Paris, 22 mai 2013)

A theoretical framework for hard exclusive processes
IPNO, Seminar IPN-X (Orsay, 30 avril 2013)

WG2 Highlights: Small x, Diffraction and Vector Mesons (Theory)
XXI International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects DIS 2013 (Marseille, 26 avril 2013)

Resummation of soft-collinear contributions in DVCS
XXI International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects DIS 2013 (Marseille, 24 avril 2013)

Some recent developments in the theory of hard exclusive processes
LPTHE, Seminar of Particle Physics Phenomenology (Paris, 12 avril 2013)

Soft-collinear resummations in deeply virtual Compton scattering
Rencontres de Physique des Particules 2013 (Grenoble, 16 janvier 2013)

Resumming soft and collinear contributions in deeply virtual Compton scattering
GDR-PH-QCD annual meeting 2012 (Orsay, 7 décembre 2012)

Mueller Navelet jets at LHC: A pure (NLL) BFKL scenario? ... What else? DGLAP? MPI?
Workshop "Measuring Multiple Partonic Interactions at the LHC" (MPI@TAU) (Tel Aviv, 17 octobre 2012)

Hard exclusive processes
International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics ISMD 2012 (Kielce, 20 septembre 2012)

Diffraction and semi-exclusive physics at AFTER
SPRING 2012 AFTER Meeting: A Fixed-Target ExpeRiment using the LHC beams (Grenoble, 11 mai 2012)

Mueller Navelet jets at LHC: The first complete NLL BFKL study
Sixth International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics QNP 2012 (Palaiseau, 18 avril 2012)

Exclusive vector meson production with tagged out-going p/A
2012 Annual CMS Workshop on Forward and small-x QCD physics Workshop (CERN, 31 janvier 2012)

Exclusive processes beyond leading twist. Some selected examples: rhoT-meson production; chiral-odd GPDs
Workshop "Nucleon and nucleus structure studies with a LHC fixed-target experiment and electron-ion colliders" (IPN Orsay, 21 octobre 2011)

The first complete NLL BFKL study of Mueller Navelet jets at LHC
EPS 2011, The 2011 Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics (Grenoble, 23 juillet 2011)

Pomeron-Odderon interference in production of pi+ - pi- pairs at LHC
Working group ``Forward Physics'', CERN (CERN, 22 juin 2011)

First calculation of Mueller Navelet jets at LHC in a complete NLL BFKL order
Working group ``Forward Physics'', CERN (CERN, 22 juin 2011)

First calculation of Mueller Navelet jets at LHC in a complete NLL BFKL order
Seminar ``High Energy Physics'', Department of Physics & Astronomy, University College London (Londres, 15 avril 2011)

A short review of the theory of hard exclusive processes
Meeting in honour of J. Cugnon and H.J. Pirner, "30 years of strong interactions" (Spa, 7 avril 2011)

Quelques développements récents dans la théorie des processus exclusifs durs
Séminaire général de l'IPN (IPN, Orsay, 4 avril 2011)

Effets non-linéaires en QCD à haute énergie et haute densité: Théorie, Modèles et Tests Expérimentaux
Colloque ANR-06 et ANR-07 jeunes chercheurs, Strasbourg (24 mars 2011)

Electroproduction of hybrid 1-+ mesons
Exposé au Colloque européen de la collaboration CLAS 12 (Paris, 10 mars 2011)

Virtual Compton Scattering in AdS/QCD
GDR Nucléon, 4ème Assemblée Plénière (SPhN, Saclay, 26 novembre 2010)

First complete NLL BFKL calculation of Mueller Navelet jets at LHC
ICHEP 2010, 35th International Conference on High Energy Physics (Paris, 23 juillet 2010)

Virtual Compton Scattering off a Spinless Target in the AdS/QCD correspondence
ICHEP 2010, 35th International Conference on High Energy Physics (Paris, 22 juillet 2010)

On chiral-odd Generalized Parton Distributions
ICHEP 2010, 35th International Conference on High Energy Physics (Paris, 22 juillet 2010)

Mueller Navelet jets at LHC -- complete NLL BFKL calculation
Workshop on high energy scattering at weak and strong coupling (IPhT, Saclay, 18 mai 2010)

Photoproduction of a pi rhoT pair with a large invariant mass and Transversity Generalized Parton Distribution
DIS10, XVIII International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects (Florence, 22 avril 2010)

Mueller Navelet jets at LHC -- complete NLL BFKL calculation
DIS10, XVIII International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects (Florence, 21 avril 2010)

QCD factorization beyond leading twist in exclusive processes: rhoT-meson production
DIS10, XVIII International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects (Florence, 21 avril 2010)

Pomeron-Odderon interference in production of pi+ - pi- pairs at LHC
EPS 2009, The 2009 Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics (Cracovie, 18 juillet 2009)

QCD factorization beyond leading twist in exclusive processes: rhoT-meson production
EPS 2009, The 2009 Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics (Cracovie, 17 juillet 2009)

Diffractive processes and non-perturbative matrix elements beyond leading twist: rhoT-meson production
Tenth Workshop on Non-Perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics (IAP, Paris, 10 juin 2009)

Hard exclusive processes: some basics about theory
PHOTON 09 (DESY, Hambourg, 14 mai 2009)

QCD factorization beyond leading twist in exclusive processes: rhoT-meson production
Rencontre de Physique des Particules (Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, 24 mars 2009)

QCD factorization beyond leading twist in exclusive processes: rhoT-meson production
Séminaire de Physique des Particules du LPT (LPT, Orsay, 22 janvier 2009)

Impact factor of gamma* -> rhoT with twist three accuracy
Séminaire commun IPN/CPhT (IPN, Orsay, 16 octobre 2008)

Impact factor of gamma* -> rhoT with twist three accuracy
DIFFRACTION 2008: International Workshop on Diffraction in High-Energy Physics (La Londe-les-Maures, 10 septembre 2008)

QCD factorization for gamma* gamma* -> rho0L rho0L
PHOTON 2007 (La Sorbonne, Paris, 9 juillet 2007)

Prospects at ILC: A gold place for QCD in the perturbative Regge limit
BLOIS 2007 (DESY, Hambourg, 25 mai 2007)

QCD factorization for gamma* gamma* -> rho0L rho0L
BLOIS 2007 (DESY, Hambourg, 22 mai 2007)